Compressed Air Filters
Summits Particulate & Coalescing Filters:
The Solid, Liquid and Oil contaminants available In the atmospheric air, after compression, pollutes the compressed air to a considerable degree. These contaminants added with further substances originating from the Compressor, Pipelines, Receivers and air hoses further affects the quality of air. This creates abrasive mixture cause damage and user end application machinery/ tools can go wrong. Compressed air quality Is fundamental to the reliable and uninterrupted operation of any Industrial processes and to the quality of finished product. Summits can offer Compressed Air Filters in accordance with ISO specified norms of the required quality of air for the different application by the combination of air filters.
Product Features:
Coalescing filters with borosilicate glass fiber media have more than 95% void volume, gives long life with minimum energy
Larger filtration area
High filter efficiency with the very low-pressure drop
High strength silicon free PVC impregnated open cell foam for effective coalescence
Stainless steel support screens in cartridge withstand up to 10 bar differential pressure
Corrosion Resistant, Epoxy Resin treated Aluminium/ Carbon Steel Housing
Tough non-corrosive Polyamicle end caps prevent oxidation
Differential pressure gauge (expect Glade A) indicates the time of cartridge replacement

Facts and guidelines:
Benefits of Compressed Air Filtration:
Protect Machinery/Tools at the user location
Increase Productivity
Minimize manufacturing cost
Prolong desiccant life in heatless dryers
Protect from corrosion the pipelines/ storage system
Supplies quality air to process and thus the product
Air quality accordance with ISO 8573.1 international standard
Maintaining quality of air in Compressed Air System:
Replace filter element once in 12 months or earlier based on DPG indication
Use always genuine filter element
Whenever using the activated carbon filter (A), always proceed with Submicron Filter (Y)